Michigan's Premier Business Broker

Guide to Selling a Business

Interested in selling a business but unsure where to start or what’s involved with working with a business broker in Michigan? Get answers to common questions here, or feel free to reach out to discuss your specific circumstances.

Michigan's Premier Business Broker

I want to know how to sell my business. Where do I start?

You’ve come to the right place. Our experienced business brokers can help you evaluate your business to get a sense of your potential business valuation and look at factors such as where you might be able to find a buyer and whether the timing is right for you.


How much can I sell my business for?

The short but unsatisfying answer is “it depends.” The longer but more accurate answer requires us to conduct an evaluation of your business, looking at metrics such as sales and cash flow. We also may be able to get a sense of how much you can sell your business for by looking at past sales of similar companies and the current market demand.

Valuing your company is one of our specialties, with our team that includes MBA holders and entrepreneurs who’ve sold their own businesses.

Businesses for Sale in Michigan

What are the steps to selling a business in Michigan?

The basic steps to selling a business in Michigan involve conducting a business valuation to determine your listing price, listing the business for sale, promoting it across different marketing channels, finding a buyer, and agreeing to a sale.
To learn in more detail how to sell your small business, see our 10-step process

Our Strategy

Guide Roadmap

I’m not sure if I’m ready to sell but want to see what I can get for my business. Do I have to go through all these steps?

No! The good news is that you can test the waters and go in as far as you’re comfortable. You can start with something as simple as a no-obligation consultation to get a sense of what the market looks like for your type of business.

Why should I work with a business broker in Michigan instead of selling it myself?

While you may have a sense of how to sell your small business, you may be limiting yourself by going at it alone. Working with a business broker that has a keen sense of the economy and business environment in Michigan can help you determine a solid business valuation. A business broker may also have access to certain marketing channels or have connections to buyers that are outside of your network, thereby helping you find the sale price you’re looking for and a buyer you’re comfortable selling to, all in an efficient and confidential manner.

Business Brokers in Michigan
Want to learn more about how to sell a business? Schedule a no-obligation consultation to see if selling your business is right for you.